leader: Dariusz Niewitała
kontakt niewitda@um.krakow.pl

The measure concerns the Mobility Forum by involving municipality departments, public transport companies, associations of public transport passengers and bicycle users, quarter councillors and shopkeepers associations, participating of passengers in organisation of public transport, the extending of the passenger rights, the enabling of the qualified decision-taking in transport planning. Innovative are the formation of a Public Transport Passengers Council and a Charter for Passenger Rights.

X Mobility Forum
X Mobility Forum was held on the 16th December. The subject was: "Running of the Tele-Bus service in Kraków".
Forms Group

X Mobility Forum
Forms Group

Transport Needs of IT & Business Process Services Companies in Kraków
This report on transport needs of IT and Business Process Services companies in Kraków has been commissioned by the City of Kraków and is one element of a wider programme designed to open and develop a channel of communication on transport issues between the municipality and the IT and Business Process Services sector.
You can download the report from documents' lap: "Transport need..."
Forms Group

IX Mobility Forum
IX Mobility Forum was held on the 30 October. The subject was: "Car parks Park&Ride in Krakow"
Forms Group

VIII Mobility Forum
The Forum was held exceptionally at Small Square on 17th September at 17.00 p.m. as one of the attractions of European Mobility Week.
The topic of the Forum was: "City Centre without cars?"
Forms Group

VII Mobility Forum
Bicycle traffic in Krakow centre was the subject of VII Mobility Forum, that was held on 28th August.
Forms Group

Dariusz Niewitała

VI Mobility Forum
"How could we ease the traffic in the city centre?" - that was the subject of the VI Mobility Forum, that was held on the 26 June.
Forms Group

V Mobility Forum
According to the earlier agreements concerning the more often meetings of the Forum, the Fifth Forum was held on 24th April 2008. The forum's subject was: "The public transport safety in Cracow"
Forms Group

IV Mobility Forum
On the 5 March took place IV Mobility Forum organized by Municipality of Krakow and Polish Associattion of Engineers & Technicians of Transpotration.
The subject of The Forum was "The Night communication in Krakow". Subject area had been caused by the activity of young well-wisheres of the night public transport in Krakow. They showed their own, alternative project of the night communication. The large number of participants of the Forum (among them were not only representatives of municipality but also many inhabitants of Krakow) was the evidence of the huge popularity of this question and of the Forum itself. During the spirited discussion many new ideas were presented i.e. reorganization of the present night transport service considering the change point. There where also many ideas concerning localization of this point. The center areas were mentioned most often, because in this place is the center of the Krakow nightlife - including entertaining and also tourist industry. However, the question: how the night transport is organized, depends on inhabitants as well. As the Deputy Major Wiesław Starowicz said, it is necessary to carry out a survey concerning passengers’ needs, because future solutions should be based on facts, not on the intuition . Thus we are encouraging the night transport system users to express your opinions at the caravel website forum:
Forms Group

III Mobility Forum
The general subject of the meeting was city logistics systems.
The 3rd Forum was organised during European Mobility Week 2007. The Municipality of Krakow has invited specialists from other Polish cities to discuss the problem of distribution of goods in the city centre. Participants of the meeting were also representatieves of stakeholders of Krakow, PKP, academys' employees, students and inhabitants of Krakow. 3rd Forum focused on elaboration of delivers system in Krakow, based on creation of logistic centers. The results of this meeting were taken into account in the process of implementation of M10.03 "New goods distribution scheme in Krakow".
Forms Group

II Mobility Forum
The second meeting of Mobility Forum has held in Conference Room of Municipal Council of Krakow 8 march 2007. The Meeting was organized by Office for the CIty of Krakow and Polish Associattion of Engineers & Technicians of Transpotration
Forms Group

I Mobility Forum
I Mobility Forum took place on the 20 October 2006 in Conference Room of Municipal Council.
The Forum has been organised as one of measures of CiViTAS CARAVEL project. This Forum initiated series of such meetings, that would focus on topics concerned public transport. During this Forum UMK and company Formus Group decided to establish a Internet Forum to enable people sharing their ideas, complaints and thoughts about public transport, sustainable mobility and also the CARAVEL measures.
Forms Group

  Urząd Miasta Krakowa
  Karta Praw Pasażera - projekt 
  Umowa CiViTAS CARAVEL 2006 
  Raport "Potrzeby transportowe..." 
  Raport "Transpor Needs..." 
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