leader: Marian Lesiak
kontakt lesiakm@mpk.krakow.pl

leader: Tomasz Zwoliński
kontakt zwolinto@um.krakow.pl

leader: Tomasz Zwoliński
kontakt zwolinto@um.krakow.pl

leader: Tomasz Zwoliński
kontakt zwolinto@um.krakow.pl

Main aims of the measure is improvement of quality of public transport, increased standard of travel by public transport and thus environmental improvement.

leader: Adrian Obuchowicz
kontakt aobuchow@mpk.krakow.pl

leader: Ryszard Wróbel
kontakt rwrobel@mpk.krakow.pl

The aim of the measure is to install innovative bike carrying facilities on twelve buses. It is expected to achieve a 20% increase of public transport use on these bus lines in the months from April to October.

leader: Bożena Górowska
kontakt gorowsbo@um.krakow.pl

Integrated ticketing and tariffs are only available within the city area. There is no integrated ticketing between railway and other transport modes available.

leader: Włodzimierz Zaleski
kontakt zaleskwl@um.krakow.pl

leader: Tomasz Kulpa
kontakt tomek@transys.wil.pk.edu.pl

leader: Krzysztof Rudzki
kontakt rudzkikr@um.krakow.pl

Krakow considers a car sharing system as a promising option for transport demand management in order to reduce the negative impacts of private traffic.

leader: Tomasz Zwoliński
kontakt zwolinto@um.krakow.pl

leader: Tomasz Zwoliński
kontakt zwolinto@um.krakow.pl

Initial implementation will be made within the city centre on the main square area.

leader: Dariusz Niewitała
kontakt niewitda@um.krakow.pl

leader: Dariusz Niewitała
kontakt niewitda@um.krakow.pl

The Krakow Mobility Forum, under the lead of the Mayor of Krakow, will be the first official platform to test better communication in process of transport system development.

leader: Jan Gertz
kontakt jgertz@pk.edu.pl

The purpose of an integrated mobility plan for the Technical University of Krakow is change of employeesŒ and studentsŒ mobility behaviours towards sustainable transport modes and reduction in parking problems in the area of University campus.

leader: Tomasz Zwoliński
kontakt zwolinto@um.krakow.pl

There is a system dealing with data collection about road incidents and accidents which helps to define potential risks and how to improve road infrastructure.

leader: Krzysztof Rudzki
kontakt rudzkikr@um.krakow.pl

Actions planned in CIVITAS-CARAVEL are the development of a Internet information about public transport timetables with a module for interchange at transfer points.

leader: Marek Bauer
kontakt mbauer@transys.wil.pk.edu.pl

Krakow perceives the necessity to introduce a high standard priority system in urban public transport.

leader: Justyna Mitan
kontakt biuro@forms.pl

  Urząd Miasta Krakowa
  Karta Praw Pasażera - projekt 
  Umowa CiViTAS CARAVEL 2006 
  Raport "Potrzeby transportowe..." 
  Raport "Transpor Needs..." 
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