CARAVEL is a part of the CiViTAS II project ( participated cities gruped in the projects: CARAVEL, SUCCES, MOBILS, SMILE) founded by the European Union in 2002.

The four cities (Burgos, Genova, Krakow and Stuttgart) are taking part in the CARAVEL project, commit to promote sustainble, cleaner transport and new culture of clean mobility. CARAVEL cities propose a variety of measures, able to exploit the synergies between individual innovative measures around an integrated clean transport policy.
The major goal of Krakows policy is create condition for safe, economic and sustainable transport of passangers and goods.The main expected result is the broader use of cleaner urben transport system based on innovative of technology and to minimalise trafific-related air and noise pollution. Krakow use the previous expierence and success ( for example:to grant an award in organisation Mobility Week in 2003) to create new vitality public area.

Civitas's stand at the trade fair in Poznań.
The CiViTAS CARAVEL project was presented at the trade fair Komtechnika 2008 in Poznań, organised on the days 27-30 October in Poznań.
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X Mobility Forum
X Mobility Forum was held on the 16th December. The subject was: "Running of the Tele-Bus service in Kraków".
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Semina 13th January 2009
"Innovative transport solutions - experiences within Civitas Caravel Project realisation". That was a subject of seminar which took place on 13th January in Krakow.
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Transport Needs of IT & Business Process Services Companies in Kraków
This report on transport needs of IT and Business Process Services companies in Kraków has been commissioned by the City of Kraków and is one element of a wider programme designed to open and develop a channel of communication on transport issues between the municipality and the IT and Business Process Services sector.
You can download the report from documents' lap: "Transport need..."
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  Urząd Miasta Krakowa
  Karta Praw Pasażera - projekt 
  Umowa CiViTAS CARAVEL 2006 
  Raport "Potrzeby transportowe..." 
  Raport "Transpor Needs..." 
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