10/07/08 Zmiany w organizacji ruchu w Śródmieściu Krakowa.
Informacja na temat planowanych zmian w organizacji ruchu w Sródmieściu Krakowa, wdrażanych w ramach projektu CiViTAS CARAVEL.
ZIELONA KSIĘGA - W kierunku nowej kultury mobilności w mieście.
Komisja Wspólnot Europejskich, Bruksela, dnia 25.9.2007r., COM (2007) 551.
W całej Europie wzmożony ruch na ulicach w centrach miast powoduje stałe zatory mające niepożądane skutki, takie jak opóźnienia i zanieczyszczenie powietrza. W wyniku tego zjawiska europejska gospodarka traci każdego roku prawie 100 mld EUR lub
1 % PKB Unii Europejskiej. Z roku na rok zanieczyszczenie powietrza i hałas stają się coraz bardziej uciążliwe. Ruch w miastach odpowiada za 40 % emisji CO2 i 70 % emisji pozostałych zanieczyszczeń powodowanych przez transport drogowy. Każdego roku rośnie również w miastach liczba wypadków drogowych: jeden na trzy wypadki śmiertelne ma miejsce na obszarze miejskim, a ofiarami najczęściej są piesi i rowerzyści.
Miasto Kraków, przystępując w 2005 roku do projektu unijnego CiViTAS CARAVEL zobowiązało się do wdrożenia 12 działań (ogółem 18 działań wraz z MPK i Politechniką Krakowską) z zakresu testowania nowych rozwiązań w dziedzinie zrównoważonego rozwoju
w transporcie miejskim.
Jedno z tych działań, "Zintegrowana strategia kontroli dostępu w Krakowie"", za swoje główne cele stawia rozszerzanie obszarów o ograniczonej dostępności dla samochodów oraz uporządkowanie kwestii parkowania w ścisłym centrum miasta. Działania te mają za cel, podobnie jak cała idea projektu CiViTAS CARAVEL, stworzenie warunków dla rozwoju zrównoważonych i bardziej przyjaznych form transportu miejskiego jak transport zbiorowy, rowerowy i pieszy. Poprzez ograniczanie dostępności dla samochodów osobowych zakłada się poprawę warunków poruszania się właśnie tymi formami transportu, przy jednoczesnym zniechęcaniu do poruszania się samochodem osobowym po obszarze ścisłego centrum Krakowa, dla przeciwdziałania zjawisku kongestii i degradacji przestrzeni publicznej. Celami projektu są również eliminacja przejazdów tranzytowych samochodem przez obszar Śródmieścia oraz zwiększenie jego atrakcyjności dla niezmotoryzowanych uczestników ruchu i mieszkańców.
W ramach projektu CARAVEL, w październiku 2008 roku, zostaną wprowadzone pierwsze zmiany w organizacji ruchu w Śródmieściu (rozszerzenie strefy "B"). Szczegóły tego etapu przedstawiono poniżej.
Docelowe założenia całej koncepcji to wprowadzenie sektorowej organizacji ruchu, prowadzenie ruchu tranzytowego drugą obwodnicą, zmodyfikowany system ulic jednokierunkowych, rozszerzenie zasad strefy B na kolejne ulice (lub ich odcinki) pierwszej obwodnicy i inne.
Powyższe działania przyniosą efekty w postaci niemal całkowitej eliminacji ruchu tranzytowego, zwiększenia atrakcyjności obszaru Śródmieścia dla niezmotoryzowanych, poprawy warunków funkcjonowania komunikacji zbiorowej, poprawy warunków ruchu rowerowego i pieszego, zmniejszenie natężeń ruchu pojazdów indywidualnych. W efekcie oczekuje się poprawy klimatu akustycznego oraz zmniejszenie emisji szkodliwych zanieczyszczeń. Jednocześnie zachowana zostanie dostępność obszaru dla mieszkańców, dostawców towaru czy osób niepełnosprawnych. Budowa parkingów podziemnych ma z kolei umożliwić uporządkowanie parkowania w całym obszarze, w szczególności uwalnianie chodników z parkujących pojazdów.
Należy podkreślić, że założenia całego projektu CiViTAS CARAVEL, jak i działania związanego z organizacją ruchu w Śródmieściu są zgodne z zapisami unijnego dokumentu dotyczącego transportu miejskiego - "Zielonej Księgi - W kierunku nowej kultury mobilności
w mieście" oraz zaktualizowanej Polityki Transportowej dla Krakowa
(Uchwała nr XVIII/225/07 Rady Miasta Krakowa z dnia 4 lipca 2007 r. w sprawie przyjęcia Polityki Transportowej dla Miasta Krakowa na lata 2007 - 2015).
Koncepcja organizacji ruchu dla obszaru objętego projektem - elementy przewidziane do wdrożenia w 2008 roku, w I etapie (rysunek w załączeniu).
Rozszerzenie strefy "B" o odcinki ulic: |
1. |
Ul.Dunajewskiego, Plac Szczepański |
W związku z likwidacją parkingu na Placu Szczepańskim zostanie
rozszerzona strefa "B" o odcinek ul. Dunajewskiego do ul. Garbarskiej oraz
ulice wokół Placu Szczepańskiego. |
2. |
Ul. Podzamcze - od ul. Stradomskiej do ul. Straszewskiego |
Dla ochrony Wawelu i eliminacji tranzytu zostanie rozszerzona strefa
"B" na kierunku Stradom-Powiśle (czyli obejmie oba kierunki ruchu).
Powyższe ograniczenie nie będzie dotyczyło autokarów turystycznych, z
uwagi na lokalizację przystanku u wylotu ul. Grodzkiej. |
3. |
Ul. Św. Gertrudy - strona północna - od ul. Starowiślnej do ul.
Sarego |
Eliminacja możliwości ruchu tranzytowego dla samochodów nie mających
uprawnień do wjazdu do strefy "B". |
Proponuje się wdrożenie wszystkich ww. zmian w organizacji ruchu
w październiku 2008 roku, przy założeniu ukończenia przebudowy Ronda Grzegórzeckiego. Wyremontowany ciąg: Ul. Wita Stwosza - Rondo Mogilskie - Al. Powstania Warszawskiego - Rondo Grzegórzeckie stanowić będzie ważny element II obwodnicy miasta dla ruchu tranzytowego względem obszaru Śródmieścia, gdzie zostaną wprowadzone nowe ograniczenia w ruchu wg. projektu. Termin ten podyktowany jest również terminem zakończenia projektu CiViTAS CARAVEL - styczeń 2009 roku oraz koniecznością przeprowadzenia badań i analiz po wdrożeniu zmian w organizacji ruchu (w okresie październik 2008 - styczeń 2009).
Ponadto rozważane jest wdrożenie pozostałych elementów organizacji ruchu (jak ścieżki rowerowe, zmiany w układzie ulic jednokierunkowych, likwidacja miejsc postojowych na wybranych chodnikach) - zgodnie z projektem wykonanym przez SITK Kraków, w miarę możliwości również w ramach projektu CARAVEL, do końca stycznia 2009 r.
Zmiany w organizacji ruchu w Śródmieściu Krakowa (dokument pdf)
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Gazeta Wyborcza 21/10/2009
Camera guarding enter to the zone
About 100 cases of illigal entering B zone is able to be discovered thanks to the camera mounted on Wszystkich Świętych Square.
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Gazeta Wyborcza 27/08/2009
Drivers watched by camera in B zone
City has a plan how to watch drivers entering B zone. The new camera became a guard. Unfortunately there is no money for another devices.
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Dziennik Polski 16/02/2009
Camera on Wszystkich Świętych square will record drivers' faces.
About 50 % of drivers coming form philharmonic side has no permission to enter zone B.
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Dziennik Polski 29/01/2009
Will the city center be temporarily closed for cars?
PUBLIC TRANSPORT. - In Toulouse streets in the city center are open only in rush hours - says Wiesław Starowicz, Deputy Mayor of Krakow.
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Gazeta Krakowska 20/01/2009
Effects of Caravel Civitas project
The EU program Caravel - Civitas II is finishing. There were many things done for last 4 years in Krakow: bicycle renting, car pooling system or integrated ticketing and tariffs.
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Dziennik Polski 05/01/2009
Will the city center be free form traffic?
ACTION. We start period of texts about transport in the city center of Krakow. Should the cars be in the first zone? Where should underground parking lots be situated? We invite our Readers for discussion.
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Kraków.pl 13/11/2008
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Dziennik Polska Europa Świat 16/07/2008
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Dziennik Polski 03/07/2008
Buses in credit
MPK is buying further 20 air-conditioned vehicles, in 6 months there will be jointly 45 of them. MPK is exchanging intensively its vehicles. The deliverer of 25 buses has been chosen already, now MPK intends to buy 20 short buses.
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Dziennik Polski 03/07/2008
Eko-bus like a tram.
Yesterday one of the most modern buses in Europe appeared in Krakow.
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Dziennik Polski 03/07/2008
How to avoid traffic jam in Krakow?
Currently, during the rush hour approximately 52 000 vehicles move in Krakow. If we did nothing number of vehicles could increase dramatically to approximately 190 thousand, speed would decrease from 15 km/h to 5 km/h.
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Kraków.pl 21/05/2008
A camera keeps an eye on the zone.
How many people drive in the B zone illegaly? It turns out that half of them. The monitoring system will be halpeful to eliminate vehicles, which should wide the city center.
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Dziennik Polski 19/05/2008
For a while - a tram driver, for a month - a lector.
Grzegorz Turanu drove a tram.
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Dziennik Polski 21/04/2008
Self-service delay.
The commune wanted to run until the summer the bicycle livery. But it is possible only in the early Autumn.
The commune intends to run still in this half-year an unusual bicycle livery and first in our city self-service. Now it appears, that such bicycles would be accessible (what is also not very sure) only in the early Autumn. The livery will be created within the UE Project Civitas Caravel II.
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Kraków.pl 16/04/2008
Mobility Forum
The seciurity in the public transport will be the subject of V Mobility Forum, which will be held on the 24 April in the Conference Room in the UMK. All interested are welcome.
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Kraków.pl 16/04/2008
Facilitations for cyclists.
At prasent cyclists can use about 70 kilometers of cyclist paths. Kraków will be enrich with following cyclist routs soon.
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Gazeta Krakowska 15/04/2008
A camera will supervise entrance to zones.
The electronic camera, which detects vehicles coming into the city centre without permission has been installed at Pl. Wszystkich Świętych.
The installation of the camera is one activity of Civitas Caravel project connected with the enforcement of access restrictions in city centre. - Such system works i.e. in Genoa - clarified Tomasz Zwoliński, who is responsible person for project in UMK. The camera records vehicles, which drive to zone and forwards them to database, which include "white" list of cars, that owners have permission to go in the city. "Black" list is created for others cars. - Everything is being tested, if the system work out, the City Guard would use it - added Zwoliński. Tests have started in December and will last at least half year. The camera and database cost 43 000 zloty.
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Dziennik Polski 15/04/2008
The bicycle carries are available on the muncipal buses.
Passangers ask for more.
The bicycle carries arised again on the 15 municipal buses. For the first time they were installed in 2006.
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Dziennik Polski 09/04/2008
To city centre thorough electronic gate.
Some councillors want to introduce the car monitoring system, that would monitor the cars without permission moving in the neighbourhood of Municipality.
The electronic camera, which detects vehicles coming into the city centre without permission has been installed at Pl. Wszystkich Świętych. In such way the Municipality checked up new electronic access system, that the City Guard will be able to use in the future.
- The best solution would be closing the city centre for private cars. Only preferential vehicle and taxi cars should be allowed in this area. For other vehicles should be created car parks network - said Marian Cichoń, who has worked as taxi driver since 1965 and Jan Nowak driving taxi for 20 years. Both of them we met at taxi rank near Pl. Wszystkich Świętych.
For this moment we check out the system in Krakow's reality - informed Tomasz Zwoliński, who represents Municipality in CiViTAS CARAVEL project. The project is created for cities, that presented the best tender of activities connected with sustainable mobility. Enforcement of access restriction in Krakow is one of the activities of the project. Such solutions work in Genova, in Krakow this system is being tested . If it work out, City Guard would use it.
City councillor Lukasz Osmenda thinks, that such projects are unnecessary, because this kind of problems should be solved by City Guard.
- First let's build car parks - said councillors. If there are car parks, it would be possible to introduce the electronic gates, that would allow the drivers with a special permission to go in the city centre cars, which drivers have got permission for driving there - added councillor Bartłomiej Garda.
This kind of ticket cannot be charge for, because for now there are no administrative regulations concerning it. Majority of the councillors voted down further elaboration under the project of introduction access control system.
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Gazeta Krakowska 02/04/2008
Dymna speaks in trams.
MPK has inaugurated new service in Krakow's trams - announcement of tram-stops by famous persons from Krakow.
At present tram-stops are being announced by Anna Dymna and it would last for one month - Marek Gancarczyk from MPK said.
New service of tram-stops announcements made by famous people from Krakow has started today in trams on lines 12 and 24 as well. From Saturday we will be able to listen Anna Dymna voice in tram on line 3 and 34.
This convenience in public transport has been introduced first of all for better use of public transport by blinds persons. By dint of new service they will know exactly when they should get off.
Calls about next tram-bus should appear in sufficient time before the tram-stop.
Passengers will listen to calls about 40 meters before the tram-stop - Marek Gancarczyk explained.
For the time being voice call service will be introduced only in 24 trams. MPK wonders about setting up this service in next 24 trams until the end of the year.
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Kraków.Pl 02/04/2008
Night communication. But how?
Several dozen of people is use of public transport in Krakow met on the 5 March in Conference Room of Municipla Council to discuss public transport in frame of IV Mobility Forum.
Representatives of Municipality, PKP, Police, journalists and inhabitants participated in Forum. Topic of the meeting was night transport in Krakow. (Forum has been organised in frame of European project CiViTAS CARAVEL II "Cleaner and better transport in cities"). The subject has been inspired by young well-wishers of the public transport, who presented they own concept of night communication. According to this project present night communication would change in aid of organization short bus-lines. It would facilitate faster and more comfortable transport for passengers. Condition of good functionality of such system would be setting up of a change point near the city center. In this place buses would meet and passengers would have enough time to change.
Conception and location of change point dominated discussion of the Forum. They wondered about sense of such solution. Majority of the participants supported the change point and its location in the city center i.e. Railway Station or Main Post Office, because these location would be good for people spending spare time in the Main Square and travellers from Balice Airport. Representative of Police Witold Norek stressed, that such change point would be problematic considering security. Municipality Authorities appreciated this idea, but they considered, that is necessary to know estimate of such undertaking. The Deputy Mayor took into account, that needed surveys should be done. During the interview with Kraków.Pl reporter he said, that changes in night public transport would introduce after carried out project analyses - at least in June.
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Dziennik Polski 28/02/2008
New conception of facilitation of public transport service for disabled people has been presented by City Council.
Every trams and buses with GPS system, voice information in the vehicles, driveways for wheel-chairs - such content implicated new programme of City Council. The Council presented its for City Mayor.
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Gazeta krakowska 12/02/2008
The action ''Jedźmy razem'' has started.
This is the first carpooling system in Poland.
Carpooling is now available, because the new website: www.jedzmyrazem.pk.edu.pl has started-up and every interested person is able to have a look at any appropriate connection, passengers or drivers.
The coordinator of this project Tomasz Kulpa mentioned the advantages: "The common motoring to the work or academy will allow to save money. If we organised a travel with two another person, cost of the patrol will fall about 2/3. They also contribute to the reduction of the crowds on the roads, because of the fact, that other car-owners also make use of "drop-up" service and therefore they could leave their cars in the garages.
Action "Jedmy razem" is one of the tasks of the Civitas Caravel project, that is being realized with other European cities - Genua, Burgos and Stuttgart.
Tomasz Kulpa added, that at preparation of the carpooling system in Krakow, bases on the Stuttgart's experiences, where carpooling has worked since 2002. At first "jedmy razem" project was planed for employees and students of the Krakow University of Technology. However on account of the great interest of this action the project has been enlarged in the whole city.
The carpooling is very popular in the world, particularly in the USA, where is called "slugging". There are the especially designed lanes for the drivers, who transport at least 2-3 person. Drivers put the information, where they are going, on the window. In this system the passengers do not pay for the travel - because of the benefits for drivers, which is a faster motoring.
Maybe in the Krakow, the motoring on the faster, designed lane will be possible? Wit Nirski, spokesman of the ZDiT thinks, that this will be not available soon. "But, if the number of the participants of the carpooling grew, this topic would be analyzed.
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Gazeta wyborcza 25/09/2007
The first carpooling system has started in Krakow.
This means the common traveling by car in order to reduce costs of petrol, time and to limit the contamination of the environment.
Carpooling means "repletion" of the car. The rule is easy: if you have free places in your car, you take the passengers, who are traveling in the same direction and in the same time as you. If you are the passenger you can get to the academy, work, house or to the party. This kind of traveling was born in 50s in the USA, today it works in many countries. At the end of October "Jedźmy razem" system (based on the carpoolings rules) will start in Krakow University of Technology.
One car instead of four.
The employees of Chair of Transportation Systems of the Krakow University of Technology are working at website, whose potential users will be able to find the companions of the common travel. Every interested person would be able, after logging on and recording, to insert the announcement which can sound: " I am going from the students' house to the academy's building on the Warszawska Str. on Wednesday in 9 in the morning, tree places free in the car" or record as a seeking transport passenger. The system will find in the date base the available connection or drivers. The users will be able to write the note and calculate the costs of the travel between some people by means of special calculator. - Carpooling bases on confidence. Driver will be able to drop up passengers for free or they will be able to participate in the cost or exchange the cars: "in this week we are driving by my car, in the following week by yours" - explained Aleksandra Faron, who is responsible for running "Jedźmy razem" system.
Carpooling has only advantages - convinced Tomasz Kulpa, Aleksandras cooperator - The driver can save money, because the passengers reimburse of the patrol. People, who do not have comfortable public transport connections to academy or house can save time and travel easily. Carpooling is the way of diminishing the number of the cars in the road and car-parks and saving the environment. - Instead of four people in the four cars, in the same place will drive one car with four passenger - explained Kulpa.
"Jedźmy razem" system in the first stage will be intended mainly for employees and students of the Krakow University of Technology. -I hope, that in the future the companies and institutions of whole Krakow will avail themselves of this system. -said young people from KUT.
In the Spring they carried out the survey deigned for students and employees and nearly 60% of asked people opined positively about such way of traveling. - Extramural students were delighted with this idea and they were glad, that they would be able to find easily somebody, who such as they would go to Krakow at weekends - related Aleksandra Faron.
The survey has shown also, that nowadays common traveling is used by about 25 % of students and employees, whereof 7 % of them travel with friends and family. During such travel "replation" of the car amount to three persons, whereas generally in Krakow one car is used by 1,2 passengers.
- Theoretically, using the "Jedźmy razem" system resulted in the threefold decrease of the number of cars in the roads - added Tomasz Kulpa.
In this time system was being checked in the experimental version. In May, in three dormitories of KUT - Rumcajs, Leon and Bartek appeared the notice-boards, where students could put up announcements of the drivers and the passengares. - Many people had used it - said Aleksandra faron - I hope, that "Jedźmy razem" system will facilitate not only traveling to academy or house, but also new types of it will appear and students in such way will be able to go on holidays, organized trips, rallies, matches and entertainments - added.
Project is being realized in frame of the Caravel project cofinanced from EU sources, whose aim is the introduction of the more ecological transport in the cities.
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Dziennik Polski 20/02/2007
The Municipality will buy one hundred bicycles.
Self-service bicycle renting.
Kraków Community has decided to buy some bicycles for the self-service bicycle renting that should come into existence even in this year.
Still in the last year it was discussed, whether the renting should include or not particular additional services. The Community has selected the second solution. The renting would start in frame of the Civitas Caravel II project. Perhaps it would be first such an enterprise in Poland.
The Community would like to buy one hundred bicycles, which should have untypical construction and design.
The new bicycles will be well- equipped in inter alia: bell, lights and stabile boot. Probably each of them would be in the same color and would have an inscription, in order to distinguish itself and be protected against the stealing.
The preparations of the project will include creating of the self-service places (presumably 12), the bicycle renting installation, the software for self-service system and the monitoring system . Initially it has been established, that the renting would be situated inter alia: near the Galeria krakowska, Regional Bus-station, Wawrzyńca Str., Galeria Kazimierz and Miasteczko Studenckie. Firstly the cost of the project, financed partly by EU founds, is priced about 150 000 zloty. According the community project the renting a bike will be very easy - it will be paid via SMS - for particular time. Then we would receive PIN number used to unblock the bike, we have chosen.
More details concerning the bicycles renting will be agreed soon.
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Bus and four bicycles
Busses furnished with trunks on cycles, can take at most four bicycles .
Bicycles will be protect by special strip and antirobbery code. Transportation of cycle will cost the same price like baggage transportation.
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As on cycle it city bus only.
Times are changing for bicycles riders in Krakow.
In the nearest future, city buses will be equipped with racks for bicycles, and their routs will include destinations to near bicycles paths. Cyclists will pay the same fare as every other passenger in the bus. Caravel Civitas
has been initiator of this project.
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Jelcz with trunks
Endowment to trunks 17 busses of types Jelcz, places serve for bicycles transportation
It will be realized in attractive areas for tourism. This project is confines by European program CIVITAS , which promote new form of citys transport.
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Car pooling and flexible lines
Krakow city will test new mobility system-carpooling. Few people will use the same car if theirs destination is in the same way.
There is also other innovation. In the nearest future on the suburbs of Krakow, will put in the motion flexible lines. They are called-tele-bus.
Will be enough to give a call and the bus will arrive on indicated address until half hour.
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Bicycle on buses
Where can you transport your bike?
MPK has installed bicycle trunks on 17 buses, which are running on lines: 109, 134, 147, 155, 209, 210, 218, 226, 230, 248, 255, 258, 268. Busses will be running until October.
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With bicycle to the bus
In nearest future 17 buses will be equipped in trunks for bicycles
Installment has been done in cooperation with European program Civitas.- Caravel. Passengers will not extra pay for their bikes. The busses with bicycles trunks will run on lines: 109, 134, 147, 155, 209, 210, 218, 226, 230, 248, 255, 258, 268, from April to October.
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Stay on moments, I will call for bus
Each passenger can order a bus under special phone line .Bus can reach a place during maximum 30 min. Each order will realize, even if the bus will have to go only for one person.
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Miasto 09/06/2006
In the nearest future on the suburbs of Krakow, will put in motion flexible lines They are called-tele-bus. Will be enough to give a call and the bus will arrive on indicated address until half hour.
In current system of municipal communication, there is no good idea for better access to communication service. Many Krakow an, inhabitants who live on suburbs, thay have difficult connection with the city centre.
From economic point of few direct more buses on the same lines is not good business.
Florence was the first city which deals witch this problem; next-one was Genoa which created on municipal suburbs demand responsive and tele-buses. Tele buses are flexible and suit to travelers needs.
Each passenger can order a bus under special phone line. Demand responsive gonna be set in special manner. Bus can reach a place during maximum 30 min. Each order will realize , even if the bus will have to go only for one person.
Tele-bus will equipped in own logo, so it will be easy to distinguish tele bus from the other buses. The same signs are already preparing for bus-stops.
City of Krakow will get from Italy technology and instructions of demand responsive, so all know-how. On demand responsive transport will start run in autumn.
Demand responsive lines, are part of CIVITAS-CARAVEL program which Krakow share with Genoa, Burgos, Stuttgart. All program is co-financed from European Unions means.
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Miasto 09/06/2006
It all started a couple of years ago, when Krakow joined the European Union program CIVITAS-CARAVEL 2. There are three other cities that also partake in the program: Genoa, Stuttgart, and Burgos
The program started at the beginning of 2005 and will next four years. The effects of the program are not yet evident, however this all change in the near future.
The changes will take place gradually. Why?
One, we will have to assess whether the theoretical ideas of the program can be implemented into daily life. Two, Krakow is a conservative city and does not like sudden changes. Not all changes will suit everybody.
Most likely, people will not like further restrictions on parking in downtown Krakow. The plan is to limit traffic to a complete minimum. Early each morning, trucks arrive at the Main Square to unload daily merchandise for stores and restaurant, which lasts up to 10am. The situation repeats at 7pm.
The CARAVEL idea could be a solution to the Main Squares traffic problem. This idea has been tasted in Genoa where stores and restaurants supply their merchandise in a centrally located building, which id disposal of all retailers.
Similarly, in Krakow the idea is to create one or more merchandise drop-off stations around the Main Square.
The next idea is to limit all traffic in the centre. Zone B, will divided into sections and the inhabitants of Krakow will only be able to drive in designate areas.
CARAVEL promotes the integration of all city transit and bicycle paths. Currently we are most affective safe mode of transport in the city. The starting point is transition towards clean vehicle fleets. Two model bus stops are currently being created, equipped with speakers and an information board. That will provide details of the relevant bus routes.
The next plan will be to place the tram stops by sidewalks, rather then in the middle of the roads.
All passengers will be able to use one ticket for both MPK and PKP. One ticket will allow a passenger to travel by bus, tram and train. The CARAVEL program aims to make easier for passengers to travel from the suburbs and even further areas, into downtown Krakow by any transport available to them
Car-pooling is a new innovation proposed by CARAVEL to promote the use of one car for people traveling to the same areas of the city. People living in the same areas will be able to travel together into the city. Car owners with new extra spaces in their cars will be able to take other people traveling to the same destination. Car owners will be promoted to pick-up passengers who do not own their own cars. This program is already implemented in Genoa, and Stuttgart, where the response has been quite positive.
The Technical University in Krakow will attempt to implement this idea into the polish cities.
The most important aim of CARAVEL is to convince people to regularly use their bicycles when its possible. CARAVEL proposes to set up more bicycles rental stations. This solution has been very effective in Scandinavia. In stead of trying to squeeze trough the city by car, the aim is to have easier access to bicycle rental. Krakow plans to buy 100 bicycles and set up 4-5 stations through-out downtown.
All the above ideas are pilot programs that will have to be tested on designated areas of the city.
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Miasto 09/06/2006
What are the best places that remind us of our European identity?
There is only one answer to this question. It is the historical places; the castles, the cathedrals and courtyards. These are the places that we are familiar from postcards, historical fil
The current problem is figuring out how to mountain this antiques, with the buildings or new city transit lines. Many professionals are working together to accommodate for the including proposed changes, architects, ecologists, historians.
New city contributions are gradually impress mark of these historical monuments. Unfortunately there is no official committee that looks after restoration. From Lisbon to Constantinople, there is a current trend to implement regulations and downtown traffic including limitation of emission fumes. In order to limit emission fumes, people need to realize the efficiency of riding bicycles or taking the trams.
In most European cities there are many alternative modes of transit, but the most popular seems to be the metro lines. Almost all capital cities have been continually add building new metro lines. However, in places like Krakow metro lines are not possible due to ecoligal factors.
Due to the support of the European Union, many programs have been created to look at ways to clean up transport, mainly due to concern about maintaining the historical places.
One of this programs, CIVITAS has proposed a 4 segments clean up process. One of these segments CIVITAS-CARAVEL concerns testing new transport vehicles that use gas and promotion of cleaner transport. This segment has been implemented in Krakow, in collaboration with Stuttgart, Genoa, and Burgos. On 11 May, during conference in Hamburg, the European Commission announced that the project CUTE, has had some positive result relating to a Hydrogen-run accumulator bus. From mid 2003, twenty-seven of these buses have been tasted out as public transport. Since them the buses have traveled over a million kilometers, carrying over 4 million passengers without any signs of environmental pollutions.
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Divide your car with your neighbor
Presidents of CIVITAS cities convict inhabitants to new life style less dependent of car.
It can save disposed natural stocks. They would like to introduce parking charges; titles of this money compensate expenses for overcrowded streets and contaminating of air. New idea is carpooling, system in which several persons use the same car.