CIVITAS - MIRACLES is a project that assembles four major European cities: Rome (Italy), Barcelona (Spain), Winchester (United Kingdom) and Cork (Ireland). The Miracles project answer the call of the European Commission for increasing the urban transport system's sustainability and efficiency through radical strategies for Clean Urban Transport.


Under the CIVITAS - VIVALDI initiative, the European Commission is supporting Aalborg (Denmark), Bremen (Germany), Bristol (United Kingdom), Kaunas (Lithuania) and Nantes (France) to combat congestion and pollution using measures that take an ambitious and coherent approach to energy and urban transport policies.


CIVITAS MOBILIS partners cities of Toulouse (France), Debrecen (Hungary), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Venice (Italy) and Odense (Denmark), and their local mobility stakeholders - strive to create a culture for clean urban mobility in the framework of sustainable development, ensuring involvement of all relevant stakeholders and participation of citizens.


The innovative cities of La Rochelle (Fr), Preston (UK) and Ploiesti (Ro) are developing a project entitled SUCCESS (Smaller Urban Communities in Civitas for Environmentally Sustainable Solutions), with the ambitious will to ensure a living environment for the 21st Century, for their inhabitants, as a response to the European Initiative Civitas II.


CIVITAS SMILE provides the strategy to combine a set of measures to develop an intelligent, sustainable and intermodal city traffic that makes it possible to live an active life independently of use and ownership of private cars.


The cities of Genoa, Burgos, Krakow and Stuttgart, their public transport operators, industrial partners, and research institutions have defined a common project proposal entitled CIVITAS - CARAVEL.


TRENDSETTER's objectives are to ameliorate urban air quality and noise levels, and congestion while supporting exceptional mobility and urban quality of life. It will help other cities to see how they can curb unsustainable traffic growth by using advanced mobility management schemes.


CIVITAS - TELLUS has brought together five cities keen to demonstrate that integrated urban transport policies can significantly contribute to fighting today's traffic problems in Europe: Rotterdam (the Netherlands), Berlin (Germany), Göteborg (Sweden), Gdynia (Poland) and Bucharest (Romania).

  Urząd Miasta Krakowa
  Karta Praw Pasażera - projekt 
  Umowa CiViTAS CARAVEL 2006 
  Raport "Potrzeby transportowe..." 
  Raport "Transpor Needs..." 
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