leader: Tomasz Zwoliński
kontakt zwolinto@um.krakow.pl

Within this measure Krakow will set up a Monitoring Centre for Road Safety and Accident Prevention.
The measure concerns the establishing of the Integrated Monitoring Centre for Road Safety and Accident Prevention, a central resource and information management centre, the improving of the methodology and of technological aspects of the accident data collection, the improving of the road safety, the reduction of the number of road accidents and the improving of the way to define potential “dangerous places”. Innovations is the usage of new technologies in accident data collection.
There is a system dealing with data collection about road incidents and accidents which helps to define potential risks and how to improve road infrastructure.

Research activities
Among has started activities are: preparing for the design process of the system architecture: identyfication and determination of new ways for data collection, development of a methodology for accident data analysis and interpretation.
The well-defined staff from PK was going to start the design process of the system architecture concerning the research activities into the system. The main issues are also the development of the methodology of accident and incident data gathering, the methodology of the data processing and risk analysis as well. All activieties were been taken in terms of reaserch work on working dokuments: "Design study of the overall architecture of the Monitoring Centre for Road Safety and Accident prevention in Krakow".
Forms Group

  Urząd Miasta Krakowa
  Karta Praw Pasażera - projekt 
  Umowa CiViTAS CARAVEL 2006 
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